Puffy eyes (swollen peepers) can happen because of several factors. The skin around the eyes is weak and sensitive and full of blood vessels. The usual puffy eyes that we all at some time may have suffered due to lack of sleep or crying disappear over time after we treat them to bring the puffiness down. Unfortunately if the eyes stay swollen and these two given reasons are not the problem then we are looking to treat another cause.
Puffy eyes are also symptoms of other eye conditions which will in most cases need more than just bathing them with cold water. If puffy eyes are severe and persistent, and you suffer pain and blurry vision then it is looked at as a matter that will need medical attention. Your eyes will need testing by an eye care expert (optician.)
Causes of Puffy Eyes
Common causes of Puffy eyes can include fluid retention, stress, allergies, and hormone changes, along with other. If eyes swell due to an episode of crying this is due to how the body reacts to emotions and causes extra blood to flow around the eye sockets which results in swelling. If the production of tears is extreme it can put a strain on the eyes. Tiredness is another regular cause for puffy eyes. This can happen because there is too much sodium in a diet causing water retention.
If you tend on treating your puffy eyes at home then you have to be certain of why they have occurred. Tired exhausted eyes by all means have ago at treating, but if it be something more serious you need to leave well alone. The eyes are delicate organs and you cannot afford to practice with solutions/remedies you are unfamiliar with, or more importantly an unfamiliar condition if you haven`t had the problem determined by your GP or optician.
Puffy Eyes Treatments and Home Remedies
Before endorsing any new fresh methods for treating your eye puffiness get a second opinion from your doctor. If we are looking to treat puffy eyes that you are "sure" are not caused by other eye conditions, then you can consider trying the options below to rid eye puffiness. The treatments given are successfully treating patients and their eye issues, however what may work for one person may not for the other.
Bathe the eyes with cold water
Limit your intake of sodium
Drink plenty of water to flush out your system
Place cool cucumber slices over the eyes or cold wet teabags
Use a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E
Avoid bending the head down for long periods of time
Avoid staying up late of a night
If you have found the reason for your puffy eyes happening is due to an allergic reaction then discontinue using whatever it is that is causing your eyes to swell. Particular beauty products can be held responsible for eye irritations. No matter how much you love a particular product you have to discard and banish it from your make-up bag. What is more important the blue eye shadow, or the trendy two tone mascara you adore, or your eyesight? I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that if something is not agreeable to eye skin is to immediately get rid.
Aside from the normal puffiness, puffy eyes can result from illness. Others we know of are hangovers, hormone fluctuations, allergies and tiredness. Direct your attention to these and you are well on the road to recovery in healing your problem.
For some people, puffy or baggy eyes are a hereditary trait, of which is one of life`s natures we cannot intervene with. Nevertheless we can however endorse and do things to help with the hand me down condition.
Reduce Eye Puffy Eyes
Cool the swollen skin around your eyes to reduce puffiness at every possible convenience
Chill eye and face creams
Wrap an ice cube in cloth and gently dab the eyes
Cool two spoons and place over the eyes
Chilled strips of potato settled over the eyes is effective for soothing
Cold has great healing qualities in helping to reduce puffiness and irritation, and can be used as often as is comfortable to get rid of puffy eyes.
Avoid hot water; this we use for getting rid of dirt and grime, and this is not the issue here.
Regardless of what body part - rubbing is not good for body skin full stop. Gentle patting or dabbing should be the motion used at all times. The skin around your eyes is extremely sensitive, and repeated touching of the skin enveloping the eyes can worsen allergies, making them more irritable, red and itchy thus leading to puffy eyes. If you wear contact lenses then remove them before going to bed to avoid irritation and eye dryness.
Increase your intake of water throughout the day to help get rid of puffy eyes. When the human body becomes dehydrated (maybe caused by alcohol or sickness) it stores water as a defense mechanism. This built-up water can encourage baggy or puffy eyes. 8-10 glasses of water daily is the suggested amount to drink that will reduce water build-up and improve baggy eyes. Cut down on salt because too much can cause water retention in your body.
Prevent puffy eyes:
Sleep with the head raised.
Don't drink too much water/fluids before bed.
Don`t use wrinkle remover cream near the eyes as it hydrates the skin and puffiness is the result.
Avoid oil-based cosmetics. Oil can cause the skin below the eyes to swell and become inflamed. Water-based is more ideal.
Remove makeup every night because it can fill the pores causing swelling.
If you are unlucky and suffer from puffy eyes a lot due to whatever reasons and looking for ways to lessen the look then you can try concealing your problem tired eyes with the help of cosmetics.
Upper Eye Puffiness: If the eye puffiness has happened in the upper eyelid area, consider using a dark eye shadow. Opt for two coordinating shades. Brush the dark shadow from the eyebrow down to the crease in the eyelid, followed with the lighter shade branching down from the crease to the eye lashes.
Under Eye Puffiness: Using a usual foundation can help conceal eye puffiness. If the swelling is seriously evident the foundation on the affected area should be a shade darker to the foundation used on the rest of the face. Look after your eyes to keep them healthy. Healthy eyes will help prevent the more grave conditions from happening.
Astigmatism happens when the front of the eye is egg shaped instead of being the normal curve shape. If this happens then every possibility of distance and near vision becoming hazy. Astigmatism can cause headaches or have the patient be overly sensitive to light.
Presbyopia is an eye condition linked to age. When we grow old, the lens of the eye thickens and slowly loses its suppleness leading to a gradual decline in our ability to focus on objects that are close up.
Glaucoma is distinguished by lifted pressure inside the eye which can damage the optic nerve decreasing the field of vision and the ability to see clearly. A cataract is a clouding of part of the eye called the lens. Vision becomes blurred or dim because light cannot pass through the clouded lens to the back of the eye. All the above are indications to show what can happen through unhealthy eyes. by Kacy Carr
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