Jumat, 17 April 2009

Breast Implants Are No Longer For The Vain And Shallow

Let's face it: over the years, there have been a lot of cheap jokes done about breast enlargement surgeries. Any second rate stand-up comic or office cut up has a few boob job jokes. These jokes not only reflected a societal view of breast enhancement but also served to perpetuate a lot of myths about what sort of women get implants. In reality, a wide variety of women today are seeking out breast enlargement surgery for a number of different reasons.

For many women, implants can be a godsend after major surgery. For those women who have lost their breasts due to cancer or traumatic injury, plastic surgeons can restore their chests to their previous appearance. Doctors can even match the new breasts to exactly match the existing ones, restoring a woman's natural, unaffected look.

For other women, enlargement surgery can augment their natural beauty, creating a more symmetrical, healthy appearance. Hopefully, this kind of procedure will not only enhance how people view their appearance, but will give them a greater sense of confidence in their appearance.

Breast enlargement surgery is in fact a term that describes a variety of procedures that all have the same relative goal. There are a number of different incisions that your doctor may use in the surgery. Depending on the scope and style of the enlargement, the type of incision may very.

Some augmentations will require a simple, discrete incision, while other more in depth augmentations and implants may require a larger incision from which the surgeon can work. Larger incisions may lead to larger scars over time, but a trained surgeon can reduce scarring and choose an incision location that will not be readily apparent.

Breast enlargement surgery begins with a general anesthetic. Once the patient is sedated, the surgeon will make a simple incision under the breast or around the areola. Then, the doctor will insert the device through the incision. The doctor will be able to select the type of device that will best fit the breast without stretching the skin too far.

Part of the negative stigma associated with implants in the past were due to complications with silicone implants. However, today's plastic surgeons have found a number of different devices that are completely safe and unnoticeable. The most commonly used implant today are saline implants. These devices are totally safe and are very lifelike, creating not only the appearance but feel of real breast tissue.

In addition, surgeons have developed silicone implants that are much safer than those used in previous generations but have the added benefit of being even more lifelike than saline implants. In consultation with your doctor, you can pick the implant that best suits your needs while guaranteeing your long term safety and health.

After the surgery is completed, the incised areas will experience tenderness, inflammation and swelling. Your surgeon will most likely schedule a few follow up appointments to make sure you are healing properly. Your results will become more apparent after a few months of recovery. No matter what decision you make about breast enlargement surgery, it's important to put behind the jokes of yesterday and live in the reality of today's modern world, where implants can help any number of women.

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If you choose to opt in to all five categories, you'll be eligible to receive personalized help from AdSense specialists, event invitations, beta test offers, and giveaways from AdSense and other Google products. The updated categories are:

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To opt in to the new email categories or opt out of your existing categories, just sign in to your AdSense account. You'll be presented with instructions to take advantage of this new opportunity. by A Aaronson

Can I Save my Relationship--a How to Guide

Good times in a relationship seem to fly by, and can never last long enough. The bad times linger on us, as though they are never going to go away. When you truly love someone it's worth fighting for, and with work your relationship can return to what it once was. If you're asking yourself, "Can I save my relationship?" The answer is yes, and I can help you.

The beauty of saving a relationship is in knowing that it can become better than it was before. If you can survive the hard times it will make both of you stronger, as a couple in the future. Regardless of what events lead to the emotional detachment, or even splitting up that has brought you to this point, it can be resolved.

Relationships go sour for a reason and the onslaught of fighting and distance growing between two people is not healthy. But in order to fix the relationship, first you must fix yourself. Accept what's happening in your life, that there is a problem and make a decision to fix it. Start with taking a break, from the fighting and from each other if necessary. Taking a breather is good because it allows both of you to settle down, and think about your actions.

This is probably the time when you will become depressed, if you haven't already. The easiest way to pull yourself out of depression is to do something positive in your life. Positive changes are great for your self-esteem and for your future relationships, so get on it! Starting out small makes a big difference so try exercising, better eating habits, and focusing on fun. If you can't get past overwhelming feelings, write them down. Putting bad feelings on paper helps to get them off your mind. Avoid desperation at all costs. While you're in the process of sorting yourself out don't seek out your lover (or ex-lover) and drive them insane. Forty-five voicemails a day isn't going to make anybody miss you. Leave some space for mystery. When you do talk to your ex only bring up positive things, show the good changes you've made in your life. Don't bring up any conversation about the relationship, as it's important to show that you can live without that person.

By the time you're ready to start working on your relationship again you've already made yourself into a better person. This makes you desirable, and your boost in self-confidence and a more positive attitude is going to make someone want you even more! Keep dates low-key, such as lunches, coffee, or a fun activity that you both enjoy. Stay relaxed as this removes pressure from the situation, which allows the two of you to have fun and reconnect.

Look, I know exactly how you are feeling right now… I've been there before, and have watched several of my friends self destruct right in front of my eyes because of an ugly break up. But it doesn't have to be that way, and you have the opportunity to fix yourself and your relationship.

If you are serious about fixing your relationship I have something that will help you. This made a world of difference for me when I was heartbroken, and this video only takes a few minutes to watch. You're no longer going to be asking yourself, "Can I save my relationship?" by H.W. Storm

Minggu, 12 April 2009

Natural Recipes for Reducing Puffy Eyes & Ridding Puffiness From Tired Eyes

Puffy eyes are not a condition taken lightly among women; in fact it is seen as a very serious issue indeed. I am not sure how you the individual see your puffy eyes. You maybe the type of person that gets on with it and deals with the skin problem, or you might be the complete opposite and just want to curl up and die rather than present yourself to the outside world looking the way you do. You have to remember there will be a cause for eye puffiness and in most cases of swollen or eyes coiled with dark circles they can be treated.

Puffy eyes (swollen peepers) can happen because of several factors. The skin around the eyes is weak and sensitive and full of blood vessels. The usual puffy eyes that we all at some time may have suffered due to lack of sleep or crying disappear over time after we treat them to bring the puffiness down. Unfortunately if the eyes stay swollen and these two given reasons are not the problem then we are looking to treat another cause.

Puffy eyes are also symptoms of other eye conditions which will in most cases need more than just bathing them with cold water. If puffy eyes are severe and persistent, and you suffer pain and blurry vision then it is looked at as a matter that will need medical attention. Your eyes will need testing by an eye care expert (optician.)

Causes of Puffy Eyes

Common causes of Puffy eyes can include fluid retention, stress, allergies, and hormone changes, along with other. If eyes swell due to an episode of crying this is due to how the body reacts to emotions and causes extra blood to flow around the eye sockets which results in swelling. If the production of tears is extreme it can put a strain on the eyes. Tiredness is another regular cause for puffy eyes. This can happen because there is too much sodium in a diet causing water retention.

If you tend on treating your puffy eyes at home then you have to be certain of why they have occurred. Tired exhausted eyes by all means have ago at treating, but if it be something more serious you need to leave well alone. The eyes are delicate organs and you cannot afford to practice with solutions/remedies you are unfamiliar with, or more importantly an unfamiliar condition if you haven`t had the problem determined by your GP or optician.

Puffy Eyes Treatments and Home Remedies

Before endorsing any new fresh methods for treating your eye puffiness get a second opinion from your doctor. If we are looking to treat puffy eyes that you are "sure" are not caused by other eye conditions, then you can consider trying the options below to rid eye puffiness. The treatments given are successfully treating patients and their eye issues, however what may work for one person may not for the other.

Bathe the eyes with cold water

Limit your intake of sodium

Drink plenty of water to flush out your system

Place cool cucumber slices over the eyes or cold wet teabags

Use a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E

Avoid bending the head down for long periods of time

Avoid staying up late of a night

If you have found the reason for your puffy eyes happening is due to an allergic reaction then discontinue using whatever it is that is causing your eyes to swell. Particular beauty products can be held responsible for eye irritations. No matter how much you love a particular product you have to discard and banish it from your make-up bag. What is more important the blue eye shadow, or the trendy two tone mascara you adore, or your eyesight? I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that if something is not agreeable to eye skin is to immediately get rid.

Aside from the normal puffiness, puffy eyes can result from illness. Others we know of are hangovers, hormone fluctuations, allergies and tiredness. Direct your attention to these and you are well on the road to recovery in healing your problem.

For some people, puffy or baggy eyes are a hereditary trait, of which is one of life`s natures we cannot intervene with. Nevertheless we can however endorse and do things to help with the hand me down condition.

Reduce Eye Puffy Eyes

Cool the swollen skin around your eyes to reduce puffiness at every possible convenience

Chill eye and face creams

Wrap an ice cube in cloth and gently dab the eyes

Cool two spoons and place over the eyes

Chilled strips of potato settled over the eyes is effective for soothing

Cold has great healing qualities in helping to reduce puffiness and irritation, and can be used as often as is comfortable to get rid of puffy eyes.

Avoid hot water; this we use for getting rid of dirt and grime, and this is not the issue here.

Regardless of what body part - rubbing is not good for body skin full stop. Gentle patting or dabbing should be the motion used at all times. The skin around your eyes is extremely sensitive, and repeated touching of the skin enveloping the eyes can worsen allergies, making them more irritable, red and itchy thus leading to puffy eyes. If you wear contact lenses then remove them before going to bed to avoid irritation and eye dryness.

Increase your intake of water throughout the day to help get rid of puffy eyes. When the human body becomes dehydrated (maybe caused by alcohol or sickness) it stores water as a defense mechanism. This built-up water can encourage baggy or puffy eyes. 8-10 glasses of water daily is the suggested amount to drink that will reduce water build-up and improve baggy eyes. Cut down on salt because too much can cause water retention in your body.

Prevent puffy eyes:

Sleep with the head raised.

Don't drink too much water/fluids before bed.

Don`t use wrinkle remover cream near the eyes as it hydrates the skin and puffiness is the result.

Avoid oil-based cosmetics. Oil can cause the skin below the eyes to swell and become inflamed. Water-based is more ideal.

Remove makeup every night because it can fill the pores causing swelling.

If you are unlucky and suffer from puffy eyes a lot due to whatever reasons and looking for ways to lessen the look then you can try concealing your problem tired eyes with the help of cosmetics.

Upper Eye Puffiness: If the eye puffiness has happened in the upper eyelid area, consider using a dark eye shadow. Opt for two coordinating shades. Brush the dark shadow from the eyebrow down to the crease in the eyelid, followed with the lighter shade branching down from the crease to the eye lashes.

Under Eye Puffiness: Using a usual foundation can help conceal eye puffiness. If the swelling is seriously evident the foundation on the affected area should be a shade darker to the foundation used on the rest of the face. Look after your eyes to keep them healthy. Healthy eyes will help prevent the more grave conditions from happening.

Astigmatism happens when the front of the eye is egg shaped instead of being the normal curve shape. If this happens then every possibility of distance and near vision becoming hazy. Astigmatism can cause headaches or have the patient be overly sensitive to light.

Presbyopia is an eye condition linked to age. When we grow old, the lens of the eye thickens and slowly loses its suppleness leading to a gradual decline in our ability to focus on objects that are close up.

Glaucoma is distinguished by lifted pressure inside the eye which can damage the optic nerve decreasing the field of vision and the ability to see clearly. A cataract is a clouding of part of the eye called the lens. Vision becomes blurred or dim because light cannot pass through the clouded lens to the back of the eye. All the above are indications to show what can happen through unhealthy eyes. by Kacy Carr

Discover How A Natural Wrinkle Treatment Can Help Turn Back The Years

It's unbelievable but a really simple way to keep your skin looking young and beautiful is by using a natural wrinkle treatment cream.

Anyone who doesn't want the pain and hassle of cosmetic surgery would do well to look into buying and consistently using the best wrinkle cream clinically tested on human volunteers.

A high quality effective anti aging wrinkle cream product can keep your skin looking young, healthy and beautiful. It reduces wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and skin dryness to turn back the years.

A natural wrinkle treatment is definitely a must especially when it comes to skin care products such as winkle creams. Why -- because people use face creams to look after the health of their skin but don't realize, unfortunately, that they are doing damage instead.

Take a look at some common ingredients in skin care products found on the market:

Parabens -- used as preservatives. Studies suggest that they may cause cancer and interfere with the body's endocrine system, as well as, cause allergic reactions and skin rashes.

Fragrances -- many fragrances are produced from ingredients that are known to be toxic or carcinogenic that can cause allergic reactions and irritation.

Mineral oil -- a cheap moisturizer that is just terrible for the skin because it clogs the pores not allowing your skin to properly breathe.

Alcohols -- like: ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol all can irritate and dry out the skin.

These are just a few harmful ingredients you should be aware of, however, I cover more of them at my website. But, in the rest of this article, I'll discuss a few of the healthy natural ingredients you should look for in the best wrinkle cream product.

A few of the safest and most effective natural ingredients that gradually erase the wrinkles are:

1. Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 -- a special "nano-emulsion" form of CoEnzyme Q10 that penetrates down through seven layers of skin. When applied to the skin, it can produce quite a dramatic anti wrinkle effect.

2. Cynergy TK -- a new, exciting, cutting edge natural substance used in high quality natural winkle cream products. Proven in clinically studies to help boost production of collagen and elastin (two most important proteins). The reason you want to increase collagen and elastin levels is so your wrinkles will slowly but surely disappear and your skin will regain a youthful glow!

Visit my website today where I talk about these and other natural active wrinkle treatment ingredients. by Marcia Kruger