For many men who undergo from problems of premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, the problem can be one that is not easy to talk about and hard to treat. This is an embarrassment, because it doesn't have to be this way; many men suffer from erectile dysfunction, and there are many sexual treatments that you can try. If you are having problems with erectile dysfunction or you feel that this might be a problem in the future, you'll find that there are in fact many sexual treatments that you can take a look at. Take a look below for some of the most effective sexual treatments for impotence problems that are currently being used.
Medication Treatments under this class usually need to be administered with a doctor's supervision, and one surprising medication that works to cure erectile dysfunction is the use of antidepressants. Antidepressants have long been known to cause the holdup of orgasm in men. Depending on your condition, you may need to simply take one of these pills several hours before sexual intercourse. Also you will find that some doctors will recommend the use of an anesthetizing cream applied to the penis to lessen sensation and to promote the erection to last longer.
Sexual Therapy There is also quite a few techniques that can be used to take care of ejaculation problems that are uncomplicated and can be done without conferring with a doctor. You may try masturbating a few hours beforehand to prolong sexual intercourse, or you may even withdraw from it for period of time so that the stress is taken off. Similarly, during intercourse itself, at the time of ejaculation, you may want to squeeze the end of your penis where the shaft meets the head. This will make the urge to ejaculate drop and you can carry on.
Psychotherapy For some men, the cure for erectile dysfunction is mental rather physical. This may need some work with a psychotherapist who specializes in sexual matters, or it might involve getting counseling in other ways. There may be unresolved issues that need to be discussed, and you might find that the ejaculation problems that you have been experiencing are only symptomatic of another, bigger dilemma. If you expect that there is a psychological or emotional reason for this issue, a psychotherapist is where you want to start.
The success of sexual dysfunction treatments depends on the underlying cause of the problem. While sexual problems cannot be prohibited, dealing with the underlying causes of the dysfunction can help you better understand and cope with the problem when it occurs. As we written above, mild dysfunction that is related to anxiety, stress, or fear often can be successfully treated with education, counseling and improved communication between partners.
There are some things you can do to help sexual dysfunction treatments to achieve a quick and full success:
1. Be open when talking to your health care about the problems you have;
2. Follow your doctor's treatment plan for any medical/health conditions;
3. Quit smoking;
4. Limit your alcohol intake;
5. Deal with stress, depression, anxiety or any emotional or psychological issues you experience.
6. Increase communication with your partner.
You can find more information on treating sexual dysfunction by clicking the link. by John Smith
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